

What is a good level to cap LUK at?

I have decent fundings for my BaM I was wondering what is a good level to cap LUK at. I do not wish to go Luk less preferabbly low LUK.

May 12, 2011

3 Comments • Newest first


Yeah, it's not hard to equip the level 103 ele staff with 4 luk. With the evolving rings + resistance ring + czak and htp.

Reply May 13, 2011

[quote=ebilman3]i want proof >.> because unless you were funded beyond belief and were able to get MAJOR %luk no stat req equips i don't see how u could do that[/quote]

It's not all that hard, I've got 119 total luk with a base of 4, and I can't equip my HTP or CZak yet (using a helm with no luk at the moment).

As for the original question, figure out your endgame weapon and such, find out how much luk you need to equip that, then start subtracting the luk from the equips you already have or plan to get. Some equips provide a nice starting point for both (glasses, medals, helmets, HTP, Crimsonheart Cloak, Black Belt, Rings). Also consider using maker and luk crystals to make shoes/gloves/overall with a higher base int and luk.

Reply May 12, 2011 - edited

[quote=ebilman3]i want proof >.> because unless you were funded beyond belief and were able to get MAJOR %luk no stat req equips i don't see how u could do that[/quote]

What is the point of proof? You should realize that a Chaos zakum Helmet and a Chaos HTP Both can give almost 50 extra LUK. That's 2 items. so 54 so far. It is not super hard to be lukless and have 105 luk for an elemental wand. There are enough items that give 6/10 luk.

Reply May 12, 2011 - edited