

How can I improve? My DB

Hey I currently have the following equips
114 ATK Blood Dagger 3L Unique (30% Boss, Ignore 15% of the targets physical/magic ATK when attacking, 6%LUK)
78 ATK Katara 2L Rare -planning to get 3L- (6% Total Damage, +6Dex)
Metal Earrings 3L Epic +10 Dex (6% Luk, 3% Luk, + 8 Int)
Owl Belt (lol)
Broken Glasses 3L Epic 1/2/1/1 2 slots (4%Luk 2%Luk 2%HP)
Targa Hat (LUK) 3L Rare 16/15/16/17 ( +8 Str, +4 Dex, +40 Wep Def)
14 ATK Wg
HTP 2L rare (+3% Accuracy, +6 Luk)
Evo Ring I lv.17
Evo Ring II lv.17
Resistance Ring
Zombie Ring

Should I sell anything to get money to improve on other things I want to get some more % LUK?
Please help me out

May 6, 2011

5 Comments • Newest first


@OojamesOo: hmm idk i guess not. I was so excited about wearing two MoNs D=

Reply May 6, 2011

Dual Slot Pendents are an NX item KMS player can buy after Chaos we don't know if we (GMS) are getting them soon.

Reply May 6, 2011

@OojamesOo: it was on a vid, but i can't recall which one, but it was the one where a guy was training at ToT at guadians. And i saw 2 htp/chtp. It was either that one or the one with a von leon katara. one of those guys had 2 pendents slots. Not sure how that works, but i saw it with my own eyes.

Reply May 6, 2011

well imo, get a 6%+ luk belt, 3-9% luk helm, get a MoN and a chtp as in chaos, we get to wear two pendents. If ur funded get 2 9%+ chtp. (if u can wear two of em i think so). Also this is considering u don't have a cape. Cuz i don't see a cape up there. Get like a 6-9% luk cape. If your short on funding, the first thing i suggest u do is either merch or sell that wg, the 4att isn't really much. Or the htp. Also get premium cubes and make that katara 3L, cuz it's a good end game, though my katara's 82 att, i prefer base att over dmg range. Just makes me feel better bout myself against the higher DB basil standards.

Reply May 6, 2011 - edited

get a MoN and sell that HTP, sell the broken glasses for a really good amount of money to get a good belt with ATK, get the targ hat to 3% luk

Reply May 6, 2011 - edited