
Unique level 65 cape

Yesterday I was training on the 2x event for three hours and after receiving 43 equips without potential, I received a hidden potential White Gaia Cape (level 65). I threw a Magnifying Glass on it and it turned out to be 3 lined unique straight away! I cubed it once and it went to 6% DEX, 4% INT and some other random HP stat.

Now, the thing I'm wondering is what's the highest stat it can get in percentages. For example; can it get 6%/4%/4% or higher or lower? I know that it's not in the highest category. I believe it's in the level 30-69 category?

Thank you in advance.

December 27, 2010

1 Comment • Newest first


That was probably the only time I got lucky, so I'm assuming 6/4/4 is the most reasonable one to get?

Reply December 27, 2010