

Damage Calculating for Heroes

The Hero has a variety of % Dmg Increasing skills as listed:
Advanced Combo Attack 220%
Chance Attack 125%
Enrage 140%
(ACA is 100% more because the skill is originally +120% so that's just 220%
don't know how to really explain this, and same goes for enrage's +40% which is 140%)
And the attacking skill, Raging Bl0w. 240%
This is a total of 240% + 220% + 125%.

Now my question is, how do these Percentages calculate.
If my range is just a simple 10,000 then will my damage be calculated like this:
(10,000 * 2.4[raging bl0w]) * (2.2[ACA] + 1.25[Chance Atk] + 1.4[Enrage])

Which would equal to 116,400 per line.
This calculates the damage by first multiplying the range with the attack and
THEN adding up the extra +%Dmg buffs and multiplying that by the product of the range and the attack.

OR is it calculated like this:
10,000*(2.4[Raging Bl0w] + 2.2[ACA] + 1.25[Chance Atk] + 1.4[Enrage])

Which would Equal to 72,500 per line.
This calculates the Damage by adding up all the percent damages and THEN multiplying that by the range.

One more question.
Would the +% dmg boss be calculated after all these calculations,
with the calculations of enrage and chance attack and ACA as done in the first calculation above or
with the calculations of enrage and chance attack and ACA and Raging Bl0w as done in the second calculation above?

May 22, 2013

6 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Maliphite]@UAHeroV WAT DA? does that mean in kms if someone SUPER-FUNDED a hero they could easily hit 50 mil cap? that is insane... all those things give ur range a 10x boost...[/quote]

assuming the enemy has no defense, not really.

50m/10=5m, you'd need 5m range to hit cap with every hit.
of course, there's boss damage for that and such.

Reply May 23, 2013

pretty much all of heros % damage increases are multiplicative so
chance attack=x1.25
so its range*2.4*2.2*1.25*1.6
all buffs in total have a 10.56x increase in damage.
that means you need about a 95k min range to cap on a single target constantly

Reply May 23, 2013

@TheUltimatum: it's all about quality, not quantity.

as for boss damage, multiplicative with anything that isn't a reinforce skill (bar Advanced Combo Attack - Reinforce), and additive with any and all sources of total damage or boss damage.

Reply May 23, 2013

[quote=darkspawn980]i'm not absolutely sure about chance attack, however i believe all of these are multiplicative with each other, meaning:

range*combo*chance*enrage*raging blow*boss damage
again, not 100% sure on chance attack. my field of expertise is dark knights

the boss damage gained from combo reinforce is additive with other sources of boss damage however and more importantly (and less known) the damage reinforce gained from RB reinforce is additive with total damage and boss damage

10,000*2.2(combo)*1.6(enrage)*1.25(chance)*2.0(raging blow)*1.2(reinforce RB)=105600

if you had, say, 30% boss damage, 30% total damage, and the combo reinforce +20% boss damage, it would look like this:


Ok I just worked it out myself and the numbers are approximately correct when I multiply range*combo*RB*chance attack
I don't know how the boss would work out but I'm pretty sure it would just multiply as well. And if there are numerous damage boosts they should add up to then multiply in total.
Thanks you were great help(: I knew I wouldn't get many responses lol

Reply May 23, 2013

i'm not absolutely sure about chance attack, however i believe all of these are multiplicative with each other, meaning:

range*combo*chance*enrage*raging blow*boss damage
again, not 100% sure on chance attack. my field of expertise is dark knights

the boss damage gained from combo reinforce is additive with other sources of boss damage however and more importantly (and less known) the damage reinforce gained from RB reinforce is additive with total damage and boss damage

10,000*2.2(combo)*1.6(enrage)*1.25(chance)*2.0(raging blow)*1.2(reinforce RB)=105600

if you had, say, 30% boss damage, 30% total damage, and the combo reinforce +20% boss damage, it would look like this:


Reply May 23, 2013

isnt enrage 60% when maxed?

Reply May 23, 2013