

A Few Questions Pertaining to Battle Mages

Well, here goes nothin'.
1) When does a Dragon Tail War Staff beat out an Elemental Staff 5/6/7/8? Assuming they're both perfectly scrolled with MChaos and EE'd 12 times, do you need Decent Speed Infusion to beat it or actual Speed Infusion with Advanced Yellow Aura + Staff Booster?
2) Speaking of Advanced Yellow Aura, does it add +2 to attack speed or +1 like regular Yellow Aura does?
3) Do you enjoy your Battle Mage?

June 4, 2012

4 Comments • Newest first


Without Decent SI a DTM staff can never beat out the Ele (assuming equally scrolled) but with that it can be better although not by a huge amount. 30% boss is great but now that it is easier to get 40%+ on a weapon, 20% nebulite, and 10% from a DS linked skill.... it just isn't as big a deal as it used to be. If you are talking perfect scrolled and 12 EEs then the Ele has even more Matk than the DTM set (the higher base matk means that the EEs start giving it more matk over time as well) which more than offsets the extra 30 matk which makes the difference between the two as simply 30% more boss or 12% faster speed. Assuming you have around 70% boss then the difference between the two on bosses is around 4% which is negligible IMO compared to the benefits of the Ele (faster draining, better training, and pinning).

Reply June 5, 2012

3) Well it's [i]my[/i] favorite class, but we're practically the weakest class in the game.

Reply June 4, 2012

1. well, considering it's a slow staff, you'll reach the speed of normal with decent si and aya. So a fast staff like an ele staff 5 to 8 will beat it over time. im assuming you're getting the full set...bossing, you can prolly cube that.

2. idk this one...i think it's one cuz of what the skill says?

3. it's ok, as gabby said, underpower.

Reply June 4, 2012

1) Assuming they have the exact same attack power, and in one case, you have the 5 piece empress set with an Ele staff, and in the other scenario, the 6 piece set :
- The Elemental staff would still be better on regular mobs, because of the faster attack speed. But if I remember correctly, the DTM staff would beat it in terms of DPM on bosses by about a measly 3-4%, which, imho, isn't worth it, since you attack faster with the Elemental staff, meaning you drain faster/corner mobs faster.
2) AYA is +1 aspd, unless you use body boost, which then makes it +2
3) Enjoyment of a class is different for everyone. But yes, I do enjoy my BaM.

Reply June 4, 2012