

thingy97 #General Talk


Why Are You Playing The Class You Play? Pretty much what the title says. I play my Mercedes because as soon as I saw the unicorns, I knew that this character was meant for me. I play my Battle Mage because I made her back when Chaos first came out and I was just thinking, "Eh, might as well." I play my Cannoneer because I love little characters holding big things, like [url=]Lime[/url] and [url=]Chung.[/url]


White Angelic Blessing Ring Recipe for 10k? [url=]So kMS just got an update that lets you buy a WABR recipe for 10k?[/url] All of you who have a DABR/DABR recipe, I would either make it and wait for the recipes to be here in gMS or wait for the suuuper high price for everyone to be buying DABRs. EDIT: After looking at some of the comments, I decided to add this in so I'm not the bearer of false information. [url=]The items inside are randomized, and the encounter chance is also randomized.[/url] Not EVERYO


Best use of Tempest Coins? So I have about 250 Tempest Coins at this moment and by the time Angelic Buster is released, I'm guessing I'll have about 400. I have all of the Tempest set except for the Pendant and Hat, only because the Pendant doesn't count and the Hot Time hat is better than that hat. I also don't have the Angelic Buster weapon because it's not released yet, but I was wondering what I should do with my estimated 330~ish coins after buying the Soul Shooter. Should I buy more of them and a bunch of scrolls while trying my luck, should I buy the set parts again for more % DEX (only have 3% on the Tempest Ring) or should I buy things like MMBs when Angelic Buster is released? Thanks!