

What to upgrade?

Roughly 10B to spend.

Current equips:
15% str czhelm
3% str badge
6% all stats specs (12% luk/int, trading for str if anyone is interested =] )
Elite Heliseum Cape Clean 3 line crap stats
Clean Dimension Gloves
6% str Earrings
6% str Beryl Suit
27 att vss 10% luk ( again, trading for str if anyone is interested)
Tinkerer's green belt 6% all stats
Tinkerer's green shoulders 3 lined crap stats
Perfect Fafnir Cannon 12% acc,9% all, 9% att
20 att beryl heart 2 lined crap stats
6% str Tempest Pendant
6% str Tempest ring
Absolute Ring
Explorer's Critical Ring
Evo Ring III

Should I aim to get high % str on accessories or just get RA gear?

Sorry for the long post

October 7, 2013

7 Comments • Newest first


I've seen unique rings without any % stat go for over 500m in gazed, so I doubt I'll find anything like that.

On the other hand I think the lowest I can get my hands on RA top/bot is 3b each, if I go with that I would have around 4b left to spend on other stuff.

Reply October 8, 2013 - edited

Currently our server is uninhibited. If the mesos are readily available, I assume most individuals would.
It greatly depends on how the market is a certain day over another. Especially since nexon has flooded the game with unique pots, this only further proves my statement.
Most players would unique pot scroll some rings and attempt to make profit; however, since there are hundreds of players with the same ideas, it becomes nearly impossible to sell one.
800m may be an exaggeration but it is somewhat plausible.

Reply October 8, 2013 - edited

[quote=Tenchu00]With the current defluctiation of prices, I would highly recommend taking this opportunity to acquire "sub-godly" equipment.
Don't settle for prices that are way out of line. Stick with lower offers on things to conserve as much mesos as possible.
Be on the look out for such things as:
1] Unleashed/Pinnacle/Tempest rings with 12-15% STR under 700-800m.
2] Since your opting for the RA set, be on the look out for Top/Bottom for under 2b. Preferably unique potted.
3] To add some boost to your range, look out for Alien Set items with either STR% or unique pot.
Combining 3 out of the various pieces will add on 50 Wep. Attk.
4]Since there is an influx in pirate gears, I would advise picking up 32 Atk empress gloves with either SE, SI, or STR%. A combination of the two( or three) would be ideal.
If and when you level to a higher status, these can be replaced with dojo gloves depending on your funding.
5] Be on the look out for a Pirate Tyrant belt since there are copious amounts available. Roughly 2.3-2.5 is a fair price.

This for now. I may in fact edit it a bit more to enlargem the possibilities of upgrading; however , I am currentlu on my way to work and do not have muchpre time.
Additionally, I do not know how the market is in Zenith but I'm assuming that much of these items are readily available.
If anyone had any other additions or even contradictions to the items I suggested, voice your opinion.


15% STR rings are 800m in Khaini...? o.o

Reply October 8, 2013 - edited

[quote=Tenchu00]With the current defluctiation of prices, I would highly recommend taking this opportunity to acquire "sub-godly" equipment.
Don't settle for prices that are way out of line. Stick with lower offers on things to conserve as much mesos as possible.
Be on the look out for such things as:
1] Unleashed/Pinnacle/Tempest rings with 12-15% STR under 700-800m.
2] Since your opting for the RA set, be on the look out for Top/Bottom for under 2b. Preferably unique potted.
3] To add some boost to your range, look out for Alien Set items with either STR% or unique pot.
Combining 3 out of the various pieces will add on 50 Wep. Attk.
4]Since there is an influx in pirate gears, I would advise picking up 32 Atk empress gloves with either SE, SI, or STR%. A combination of the two( or three) would be ideal.
If and when you level to a higher status, these can be replaced with dojo gloves depending on your funding.
5] Be on the look out for a Pirate Tyrant belt since there are copious amounts available. Roughly 2.3-2.5 is a fair price.

This for now. I may in fact edit it a bit more to enlargem the possibilities of upgrading; however , I am currentlu on my way to work and do not have muchpre time.
Additionally, I do not know how the market is in Zenith but I'm assuming that much of these items are readily available.
If anyone had any other additions or even contradictions to the items I suggested, voice your opinion.


Holy.. thanks <3


I bought the Cannon itself for roughly 1b some months back, scrolled it myself and got it to legendary in 1 cube ( used a unique scroll)

Reply October 7, 2013 - edited

With the current defluctiation of prices, I would highly recommend taking this opportunity to acquire "sub-godly" equipment.
Don't settle for prices that are way out of line. Stick with lower offers on things to conserve as much mesos as possible.
Be on the look out for such things as:
1] Unleashed/Pinnacle/Tempest rings with 12-15% STR under 700-800m.
2] Since your opting for the RA set, be on the look out for Top/Bottom for under 2b. Preferably unique potted.
3] To add some boost to your range, look out for Alien Set items with either STR% or unique pot.
Combining 3 out of the various pieces will add on 50 Wep. Attk.
4]Since there is an influx in pirate gears, I would advise picking up 32 Atk empress gloves with either SE, SI, or STR%. A combination of the two( or three) would be ideal.
If and when you level to a higher status, these can be replaced with dojo gloves depending on your funding.
5] Be on the look out for a Pirate Tyrant belt since there are copious amounts available. Roughly 2.3-2.5 is a fair price.

This for now. I may in fact edit it a bit more to enlargem the possibilities of upgrading; however , I am currentlu on my way to work and do not have muchpre time.
Additionally, I do not know how the market is in Zenith but I'm assuming that much of these items are readily available.
If anyone had any other additions or even contradictions to the items I suggested, voice your opinion.


Reply October 7, 2013 - edited

I was thinking of getting RA pants + top for the 3 set, should be around 6b for both

Reply October 7, 2013 - edited

Your life.

With that money get at least all to 18% str
Cape and gloves pot it to see if u get anything good. In the fm you can find some unique scrolls for 100m+
Also fix those bad pot line items.
You won't be able I afford full ra set

Reply October 7, 2013 - edited