

Range to Solo Cvel

How much more range do I need to solo Chaos vellum?

Clean 1.8-2m
Buffed 2m-2m probable 2m-2.2m

Crit chance: 62%
Min crit: 81%
Max crit: 90%

Pdr: 85% (92.5% pdr with Phantom Blow's passives)
Boss%: 285%

Total Luck: 11k.
Damage on Cvel: 18-20m with PB, 38-40m with Asura.

How far or how close am I to being able to solo Cvel dmg-wise? Granted I dont die too much and stick to him a fair bit.

Also if Im not close, what should I focus on rising? boss% pdr, min/max crit or range?
Thanks in advance.

July 31, 2016

1 Comment • Newest first



If you have perfect control, then your current damage should be enough.

Trexous almost managed to solo CVel while hitting only 13-15ms, with less than 10% hp left on CVel:

If you can't do it, I'll recommend upgrading until you hit 25-28m PBs.

Reply August 1, 2016