
EleStaff 7 dominates the Fm

hey basil,

Ive been looking for a perfect scrolled EleStaff 5/6 the last 3 weeks and found something strange..
There are like 10+ perfect EleStaffs 7 but only 2 EleStaff 6 (which are that godly 10b+ and i cant afford them >.&lt and no EleStaff 5s at all
Does that mean , that every1 just plays I/L in GAZED now?
Also if you have a scrolled Ele 5/6 (potential doesnt matter) in GAZED just msg me pretty pls

July 16, 2013

1 Comment • Newest first


i think its the reverse no one plays i.l which is y there r so many for sale and everyone plays f.p or evans which is y there r no ele staves 5.6

Reply July 16, 2013