

Help upgrading please

Hello maple can you help me decide on how to upgrade myself? I have 4b at the moment to spend on my upgrades. The only equip i have as of now is my claw a 125att twice enhanced raven horn claw. What should i do to get at least a 20k range. Also how many sets of Bfury/cilbi/flame stars should i buy? The star money should be icluded within the 4b budget. Ty for helping if u had comented tyvm

June 13, 2012

1 Comment • Newest first


You're going about it the wrong way. You're going for flashy, meaning you'll be using more mesos/NX to get the same results as less flash. Take 50m and buy 10 Ilbis with it. Done. Get some Raven Chaser pieces and chaos and/or cube them. Stars should be dealt with LAST. What's the point of having flashy stars when you have no damage to back it up. You'd be better off getting a 33attack rare Chaser Glove for the 1.5b it costs to buy it and get more out of it, than the 2-3 attack difference on top of a regular set of Ilbis.

Reply June 13, 2012