treefriends #Battlemage Talk

General Battlemage

so BaM + JUMP = T_T Recently, one of my friend's brother from Korea gave me his mage KMS account so I got to try out some of his chars. It's got every mage class cept f/p. All lv 150+ Since he shares all his equips through out his chars, I did some comparing between them after the recent revamp update. The depressing truth is.... battle mages are weaker than bishops. With new improvement in angel ray, they are much better in training. And, their new buffs make our auras look like trash Because of this, I hear most of the famous BaMs from KMS has changed to arch mage. I personally really enjoy playing my battle mage, but this is jus too harsh T_T maybe I should start training my i/l and transf.....(oh F -_- all my stuff are reverse/timeless)