

Making moneygetting skillbooks


So I have 29 skill points left to use but I came back to Maple after a while and have no mesos. I need 20 and 30 skillbooks but I can't afford them and Nova doesn't seem to be so supportive of making money (for me ). The games' mechanics have changed a bit as well so I'm gradually coming to terms with how things work and what the value of things are. I looked at the making mesos guide but it seems to be outdated. So any tips on how to start off with making money?

January 2, 2014

2 Comments • Newest first


I have some red coins I'm down to give up lol What is selling the service?

Reply January 3, 2014

@ZeroSoup Yeah I'm aware.. those are the ones that I cannot afford lol

Reply January 3, 2014