

tyrcks #Pirate Talk

General Pirate

Best way to increase range with 3b Hey Pirates. I currently have 3B and i plan to increase my range. Things I do not want to change are my 12% dex Earrings, 4% dex nose, 4% dex Eye Acc. For the Rest of my Equips I have All Emp excluding Cape and Shoulder that has been 60% dex or wep attack for my gun. I have a 6% dex belt, a elephant balloon, and a crappy shoulder. What should I do to increase my range? Should I Buy new clean emp equips and try to chaos them? or buy some more dex% items. Ty :D EDIT: I did the math. I was thinking about buying new empress gear (Hat, Overall, and shoes) which would run me about 350m. Then I would chaos them all (29 slots). Chaos scrolls are 11m each so 319m. I would also buy the cape and shoulder which would