
Pros Vs Cons of Aran Vs BaM

From playing both characters, I would say BaM are the mage version of Arans for warriors. From experience, how satisfying is Beyond Blade, and is it worth for me to switch from Bam to Arans? Side note. I have always loved Arans, but didn't want to start a 3rd Aran on Reboot. Is Beyond Blade super satisfying to use, like Sweeping Staff for Bams? Also how would they compare for Bossing, Mobbing, and Meso Gain. Also End game potential. Please help me make up my mind. Also I don't mind people saying play what you like, so no need to get upset about those posts.

December 29, 2015

7 Comments • Newest first


You can use tempest twice, first hit drains monsters hp, second hit finishes Them off. Works like a charm at warrior grounds.
15 secs cd

Reply December 30, 2015

@pinyin: sadly tempest lost its 1hko capability and now has a 5sec cool down.
Aran is an amazing class.

Reply December 30, 2015

Aran ftw
Pros; high damage, huge range, easier to lv ie spam tempest, easy to fund.
Cons; very Low hp, sending mobs Flying with whatever that 3rd job skill is called and hitting them Airborne = crash

Reply December 30, 2015

Aran late game and bossing is much better and more fun. They also got a boost in lines recently to their beyonder blade. Bb also has great range compared to bam's primary bossing skill. Bams do get the aura's which are awesome to use and if you're a strategic player you could probably swap back and forth between the auras to make bossing more fun for you and your party. Aside from the auras and the amazing tele, I don't think there is much else that's great about bam. Both classes have some defense reduction which is also pretty nice.

Reply December 29, 2015

Aran hell yea dude

Reply December 29, 2015

My brother plays an Aran and he's freaking strong. He also got pretty lucky with Miracle Time though.

Reply December 29, 2015

one of my closest friends mains aran and he compares it with my bam very often, he asures bam life is easier as u can mob with teleport alone, "our drain is better" and idr other things but he gets mad often and demands buffs, other than random utilities i dont see really differences.. but im pretty sure bossing as aran should be easier u kno cus bam gotta spam that telecast o.o

Reply December 29, 2015