

How does the character card and mage character set work?

So the evan's character card says there's a 70% chance of recovering X% of mana on every attack and a 2x effect if proc'd multiple times, only activating once a minute.
Can someone clarify how this actually works? And is the % based off of max mana or base mana?

From what I've been experiencing, the effect actually proc's more than once per minute which is strange....

Also, for the magician character card set, it gives a 8% damage boost based on mana. Does anyone know if it uses max mana, base mana, or base mana+chracter card effects?

December 23, 2012

2 Comments • Newest first


ohh the minute timer applies to the 2x factor only...okay

Reply December 23, 2012

it should be the same as the warrior card set, in which case, its 8% of your base MP, added straight into your range.

the mp and hp (from aran card) regen functions exactly as it says. for every line of damage you deal to a mob, you have a 70% chance to drain hp/mp.
and once every 60seconds, you have a chance of it activating and generating 2x the amount of hp/mp

Reply December 23, 2012