
Hard decision to make, WH or Pally Help? lt3

Hello fellow maplers

I'm kinda stuck...
Since a year i'm playing Maplestory again as a Wild Hunter.

I've got up to 2.7m buffed range but I still feel pretty useless...not helpfull in party and such.

Before i've always played Hero, felt amazing being a warrior!
Now I wanted something different, a Paladin, and I gotta say....I love it!

Just bossing and not giving a thing about the damage I receive and it has an even shorter CD bind kind of hyper skill than Wild Hunter's jaguar.
So the thing is, i'm thinking about quitting my WH and totally go for Pally...

What do you guys think? (I'm not curious about other classes btw)

My WH has most items perfect scrolled, i'm at the stage of cubing everything to legendary...
Besides that it also has lv40 5th job buffs and is lv207.

My Paladin is Lv187 and the best thing he has is a perfect scrolled 2h BW (not gonna change weapon type ^^) and full gollux and tyrant set....
I'm really stuck on this, considering everything like being usefull for parties and such...wich option should I go for.

I hope you guys can give me some ideas towards my decision

April 22, 2017