

Tales of Phantasia the animation

The story,'s basically the same story with a few tweaks here and there. Unfortunately, it's too condensed. The story that's took me tens of hours to play through was forcefully stuffed into four 30 minute episodes. Things only got confusing with the random jumping around of stuff. I understand they have to skip numerous parts of the original story but if they end an episode with a fight, that same fight should be resolved at some point in the story. This is where this four episode series suffered BADLY! The condensation and skipping truly ruined it for me.

The art and animation are identical to what I recall the GBA version had. It was good to my eyes. It's not as sharp and crisp as the current anime I'm used to seeing (SAO, Hunter X Hunter 2011). It took me back to the days of when anime still had the odd soft touch to it. Even after taking off my rose tinted glasses, the art was truly nicely drawn but its age is showing a little. (OMG Arche <3 <3 <3)

The music was amazing! I'm not an audiophile nor a music connoisseur so don't take my opinion on this one too seriously. I found the music enjoyable but this is probably because the music is very reminiscent of the video game's music.

To those that has played the game (on any platform), what do you think of the anime adaptation of this amazing game? Also, do know any video games turned to anime?

October 22, 2013

2 Comments • Newest first


I've only played Phantasia, Destiny (my first Tales game), and Destiny 2. I don't know much about the other games (I'm picking up Abyss for the 3DS soon). I found Phantasia to be the best one so far.

I didn't know they made an anime adaptation of the other Tales games. I am scared the other Tales anime are condensed as F as this one is. I'm not watching any of the others until I at least watch an LP of them. Who am I kidding here? I'll beat those games first BEFORE I watch their respective anime. Thanks for informing me

Reply October 22, 2013

I seen a LP of the game. DO NOT WATCH THE ANIME.
Same goes for Symphonia.

Tales of the Abyss is fine. I hear the prequel to Vesperia was good.

I know nothing of the Eternia Anime.

Reply October 22, 2013