whiteforce18 #General Talk


P/c Perm Nx in Windia Hey everyone! Just wanted to ask for a quick p/c in Windia if you all didn't mind! I have 2 Blanc Rose Tops in Windia, and not entirely sure how much they are worth. I checked the fm site, and I have the only ones in the FM right now! I got a wide range of prices from friends, ranging from 800m - 2b, but not sure where to put them at.... I set them at 1b each in my shop, but don't want to lose any potential profit if possible! Any help and advice are much appreciated :) Have a great rest of the day fellow basilers! :D Thanks, Kyser~


Storage mule? Hey everyone! I am just trying to figure out what characters start off with the most slots immediately upon creation, and then again at either 30, 60, or 100, without any nx or event slot expansions! Running out of space on my main, so I would rather create a storage/shop mule so I can use that character for everything FM related instead :P All help is definitely appreciated :) Thanks! Edit: My question I guess is really which has more slots? Or do both Zero's and explorers get the same amount? And for the pirates, do the slots expand at a certain level as well? I know on my 120 cannon mule, he has the organization skill at lvl 2 or something, but my newest cannon mule has it at lvl 1, and he is lvl 10, so wondering if it upgr


How to log in if you cant D So thank you to for giving me the idea :D When you get to the maplestory site, just go to the top left of the screen, and click on the nexon sign. after it takes you to nexon.net, log in via the top right corner, and after you are logged in, click on the maplestory option, and you should be logged in :D and then just click on the play game button... Please tell me if this worked or not for you. Just figured I should help as many people out as I could, since it worked for me.. Hope this helps! :)


Link Skill Limit Hey everyone! Sorry ahead of time, mini rant coming up. I am just completely annoyed as of right now, moving around link skills to my main after I trained my character card mule up. I am stuck at 12 link skills right now (although, previously to the moving of link skills, I had about 14 or 15 link skills on my main..) There are a TON of issues that I have with the current link skill system, but I will only bring a couple of them to light. Firstly, there is the skill limit itself. What is the point of having new characters with new link skills if you can't even use them on your main? It definitely defeats the purpose of linking a character, or training up a character for their link skill. Secondly, is if they have a link ski


CPierre Quick Kill? Hey there everyone! I had a REALLY quick question that I was hoping people could answer! I used to do CRA on a relatively consistent basis before the change to how drops happened with the new hit box, so I was wondering if with the new change, if the old system was still in place! Essentially, my question is this: can you kill CPierre before he splits and still get drops? I know in the past that you wouldn't get drops if you killed him pre split (or atleast I never did...) Any help/tips/comments are much appreciated! Thanks :)