wickedtmage #Corsair Talk

General Corsair

Is it just me or are Sairs messed up I am really starting to beleive there are problems with the skill eight leggs easton. I created a Jett, while waiting for the pirate revamp, and sub orbital is a way better skill, and it works properly. I was able to hit 999K x4 x6 most of the time buffed at around lvl 180, now on my Sair at lvl 191, using the same skill, only renamed, i see 3 descent hits, and then one small hit at the end. The numbers are all over the place for the first 3 hits, as well as the lower 4th hit. I realize using one of our buffs, there is an explosion at the end (hollow point i beleive), so is it because the explosion is taking the place of the 4th hit? I also noticed that Jets sub orbital is 590% damage compared to 578% fo

General Corsair

How many Corsairs decided to make a Jet I decided to make a Jet, and transfer all of my gooddies to him from my Sair, i have to admit, wow, way overpowered when funded. Cost me a lot of NX to transfer stuff, but it will pay off in the long run, because im learning how to use some of the similar skills Corsairs will get. Im lvl 153 already, and that was easy to do with the Orbital skill, crazy damage at 100K range. Hard to find books though, only issue im having. When the revamp finnally comes, ill transfer it all back and have a blast.