
Pc These 3 items ?

Half Earrings - Clean, 2L Unique 19% DEX (1% Dex Neb)

Black Seraph Cape - Crap Scrolled, 3L Unique 16% DEX (1% Dex Neb)

Green Ades Shoes - Clean, 3L Legendary, DEF 12%, DEX 13%, MP 9% (1% All Stat Neb)

All of these are in GAZED.
Also, the shoes were a drop and were legendary on reveal. o.o There's a first. I cubed once and got 12% DEX which is what I was aiming for, especially for a Bowman Shoe. Should I continue to Cube it? Or should I hold out for another piece of equipment?

March 30, 2014

2 Comments • Newest first


glad to have solved that mystery

Reply March 30, 2014

I was wondering if item's could be legendary from drop. Haven't gotten anything higher than epic from drops yet.

Reply March 30, 2014