

xXbowmanXx #Bowman Talk

General Bowman

Many changes & balancing in kms in 2015, not complaining :) A quick summary for those who are not updated, in 4 months KMS tossed a lot of numbers around. From June 'til now. -Starting with the Reboot in June (4 parts: kmst 1.2.010, 1.2.011, 1.2.012 & 1.2.013) -More balancing in early September (2 times: kmst 1.2.019 & kmst 1.2.245 , they changed the %dmg in 1.2.019 then changed again in 1.2.245, separated by 1 day WTH!!) -Then more balancing in mid September (kmst 1.2.020) -Then more balancing in end September (kmst 1.2.246 again they changed the %dmg from kmst 1.2.020) -Mini skill change for all jobs & intro new Zak in October (kmst 1.2.247) Summary relevant to bowman/bowmaster: most changes are made to Mortal Blow, Armour