

Xenon range please help

Ok so I recently started a xenon and I've got to level 31 and my range is only 601 flat and 1000 buffed is this normal or did I do something wrong? I have been auto assigning to str luk and dex is there any specific way Im supposed to assign my stats?

October 24, 2014

7 Comments • Newest first


well first off... pick a stat and hit auto assign on that stat until auto assign stops adding to that one stat, hopefully you started that way,
but that's the best way to do the stats, if you did what I did and raised all equally by 5 each level, you get effects later than you would otherwise.
You can fix this in 2nd job if you messed it up, just by starting to do it.

At your level your range isnt great because I assume you lack link skills & other stuff to auto-boost you.
Anyway play until level 50, and then go beat easy zakum. Beat him twice a day until you get a zakum helmet and that will add like 1000 to your range almost.
Also a quick but easy way to increase your damage early on is to scroll low level equips with spell traces. Pick up every spell trace you find, and then use them
on very low level weapons and armors, go ahead and use the 100% trace option. If you scroll any armor (except gloves) with 4 successful traces,
it will add 1 weapon attack to the item. If you spent about 100 spell traces (or less) scrolling your lvl 30 gear (very cheap to do so) you could probably get your range
to like 1,200 even at lvl 30... If you get 1 wep attack on all of your armor that will boost your damage a good bit.

they key point is that spell trace scrolling is cheaper the lower the item level. You can add 10 stat points and 1 wep attack to the animal head helmets, for
only 10 spell traces.

Reply October 25, 2014

[quote=AntiSenpai]Damn, it's gotten so bad that a lvl 31 is worrying about damage.[/quote]

It's not that, I guess he's just worried he assigned his stats incorrectly. I'm sure no one would really care at that level anyways.

If you're just being funny/sarcastic then forget what I said lol.

Reply October 24, 2014

u r noob no 2m-2m haha u r joke lel

btw bad troll get good

Reply October 24, 2014 - edited

Damn, it's gotten so bad that a lvl 31 is worrying about damage.

Reply October 24, 2014 - edited

Make sure you evenly distribute STR, DEX, and LUK for multilateral skills, which give you passive benefits! Multilateral at 4th job requires 330 stats. After that, distribute your AP points to whichever % stat equip you have the most

Reply October 24, 2014 - edited

I'm a xenon and if you are 1-5 hit killing monsters around your level (26-36) then you are good

Reply October 24, 2014 - edited

you're only level 31. Max more skills, and your range will increase over time

Reply October 24, 2014 - edited