
How many cubes does it take u for UNIQUE !

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April 21, 2011

5 Comments • Newest first


i've had 2, 9, 13, 20+, 30+ and 60+.

Reply April 21, 2011

It varies. I've made a rare item into unique in just 7 cubes. I know people who took 70-80 cubes to make it unique.

I don't know the rare to epic, epic to unique percentage is, but I've been observing this with the items I've cubed and what my friends have cubed.

For normal drop items, it seems easier to make them go from rare to epic and epic to unique.

With rare one of a kind/untradeable items like Czak, HTP, CHTP, Maplestory trading card items like Taru Capes and such, they generally take too long to become epic and unique.

It probably also has to do with the value of the item (Blue/Purple/Orange/Yellow highlights).

Until someone figures it out or Nexon explain to us, we'll never know.

Reply April 21, 2011 - edited

I used one for epic and one for unique. 2line unique black garina ftw

Reply April 21, 2011 - edited

12 cubes for VSS's.

22 cubes for Specs.

Both from Rare to Unique.

Reply April 21, 2011 - edited

As many as it takes.

Reply April 21, 2011 - edited