xoqtprincessxo #Chat Talk

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Gtfih Qtp Classroom time Basilmrkt There comes a time in every person's life when they become aware. They become aware of the fact that history is a sort of horrified realization that something has gone terribly wrong. And so, we search for someone to blame. We blamed certain races. We blamed religion, and Obama. We blamed communism, and said they did it wrong. We are starting to blame capitalism. But this is not where we should be looking. We should be looking towards ourselves. We are a sick, tired species, plagued by disease and idle worries. We have little confidence in our sexuality, in our bodies, and in our emotions. Orgastic potency is what I am talking about. There are those who have realized this, and advocated certain methodologi

General Chat

Trees are cool If you ever find yourself in the Amazon Basin and end up w/ some free time, go chill with some of the indigenous people. Ask for some orange tree goody goody, and you'll probably come out of the experience with a better outlook on life. The tree in question is called Myristicaceae. What these people do is, in the earlier hours of the morning, find the coldest part of the tree and scrape off the bark. They lay these strips on some hot embers with the clean, naked side facing upwards. Well, what this does is force this orange resin out of the bark, which is then scraped off, boiled down in a pot, and then ground up. Now you have a sweet ass arrow poison which doubles as a wonky hallucinogenic snuff. Well in order to use this, y