

Range to hit 100k

What range would i need to hit constant 100k? Also what %dex would be need to obtain said range. I currently have 20k range with 59% dex and have a 126 atk gun. Getting a 9%htp soon and hopefully a 146atk concerto. With the right buffs I can get up to 35k on ship... but I still hit <100k on some lines...

January 5, 2012

4 Comments • Newest first


I saw a vid with someing hitting 70ks-100ks with bsc and after revamp she was hitting 100k+ with RF. so yes it will be easier. as for 30~40k range you would need 100%+ dex..

Reply January 6, 2012

Once revamp comes... partial raid and updated 330% RF hitting in the 100ks+ will be easier right? Also anyone know how much %dex will get me a near to a 30~40k range? Also decent SE is something that would make a considerable difference? Dnt know anyone who rents it in Khaini but I'm sure there are some.

Reply January 6, 2012

so a 33.3k buffed lower range should do it since bsc is 300%?

Reply January 5, 2012

@iLoki 50k range would be defiantly to high o.O?

Reply January 5, 2012