yoloswag6942042 #Anime Talk

General Anime

Best Anime s (TITLE WAS MEANT TO BE BEST ANIME QUOTES**** SORRY) Hai Basil. This thread will be about the best anime quotes. Feel free to post any specific quotes here, as well as the anime that it's from and the character who stated said quote. Have fun. :P Here are mine: "Mankind's history is war. Peace is an illusion. To turn illusion into reality is an arduous task. It requires discipline." -Scheizel el Britannia, Code Geass "He considers our affairs trivial and mundane; that's how His Majesty referred to our mortal struggle with the Black Knights. You've seen it too Cornelia; how absorbed father is with his dangerous research. How he abandons the throne. It's true, he treats diplomacy and war like they were meaningless t