

zach0127 #Mage Talk

General Mage

Pointless discovery about Tele Mastery! :D Well, me and a friend were fooling around in Henesys PQ, and went to the bonus stage. I wanted to see how low I could get my damage with tele mastery, so I unequipped my wand. I went and tele'd through some pigs, it showed me damaging them, and...they didn't die. Me and my friend did well over 50k damage to several different pigs, and none died. So, frankly, unequip a weapon, turn on tele mastery, and when you tele through mobs, it will show damage, but won't register. Pointless, useless, but kinda fun discovery xD So, go and tele your way through all the snails and lv5 mobs and such, fail to kill them, and get all kinds of 'lol fail' comments! Yay! :P