

Advice on Gollux

I need some general help on soloing Gollux on my hero, I have the range to kill easy gollux with no problems, but once I destroy the first phase, the other two murder me. What are some strategies that could make it so I don't die on the eyes and forehead?

August 31, 2014

6 Comments • Newest first


If you still need help I can bring you along on a run to show you in person

Reply September 1, 2014

@zeck96: Just keep practicing. You'll naturally get better at it with experience.

Reply August 31, 2014

[quote=spitfirebal2]Gollux Stage 2 has different attacks, and is usually considered deadlier than Stage 1, but he also has significantly less HP, so it shouldn't be that bad.

Attack 1: He charges up blue electricity for half a second, and then does an orange "demon cry" attack. This does fatal damage to anyone still on the bottom plat, and does roughly 90% damage to people (and the people around them) who have the debuff that makes their directions inverted. If you're on the higher platform, just take it easy for the next 2 seconds or so because you won't be affected.

Attack 2: His eyes light up, but nothing significant happens. This attack will give you the direction inverted debuff if you're on the bottom platform. If this happens to you, exit the map if possible to get rid of the debuff. If you're on the top platfrom, don't worry about it and just get ready for the next attack.

Attack 3: He does the "demon cry" attack without any chargeup. This attack does roughly 10k damage to me (I have 50k hp), and has super knockback, but the knockback can be negated by stance. If you know what you're doing, this should be the only attack that you actually take damage from. Luckily, you can usually heal off this damage with a mutant snail familiar.

Attack 4: His eyes light up, and a hand comes up to grab you. This attack does fatal damage, and can be avoided by either jumping out of the way in time or camping the portal and just using the portal to momentarily go back to the bottom platform, and come up after a second or so. You're a hero, so I guess you can stand on the left side of the platform and use rush if you see this attack coming.

Attack 5: He still summons the mini golem thingies, so you gotta keep them from the middle. Fun fun! Um, try to wait for gollux to start an attack that's NOT "Attack 1" before clearing mobs if you don't want to die.

It should be noted that gollux actually has cooldowns on his skills. Each one is roughly 5 seconds, so you'll rarely see him use two of the same attack in a row, unless he waits like a sitting duck for 3 seconds in between. That said, if he uses Attack 1, it should be relatively safe to clear minions on the bottom for the next few seconds or so.

Gollux Stage 3 is just "Kill Gollux before he kills you". In addition to keeping mobs away from the middle, just break the jewel on his forehead before the time runs out. He will occasionally use Attack 3 from Stage 2 (every 20 seconds or so?) but a hero with 100% stance should be able to take that no problem.

For a boss like Gollux, it's mostly about practice. Eventually, you'll get better at it.[/quote]

Thank you, very informative, and helped a lot, I was only hit once on my run.

Reply August 31, 2014
Visual aid (have annotation enabled), more accurate info of the attacks is in the description.

Reply August 31, 2014

Gollux Stage 2 has different attacks, and is usually considered deadlier than Stage 1, but he also has significantly less HP, so it shouldn't be that bad.

Attack 1: He charges up blue electricity for half a second, and then does an orange "demon cry" attack. This does fatal damage to anyone still on the bottom plat, and does roughly 90% damage to people (and the people around them) who have the debuff that makes their directions inverted. If you're on the higher platform, just take it easy for the next 2 seconds or so because you won't be affected.

Attack 2: His eyes light up, but nothing significant happens. This attack will give you the direction inverted debuff if you're on the bottom platform. If this happens to you, exit the map if possible to get rid of the debuff. If you're on the top platfrom, don't worry about it and just get ready for the next attack.

Attack 3: He does the "demon cry" attack without any chargeup. This attack does roughly 10k damage to me (I have 50k hp), and has super knockback, but the knockback can be negated by stance. If you know what you're doing, this should be the only attack that you actually take damage from. Luckily, you can usually heal off this damage with a mutant snail familiar.

Attack 4: His eyes light up, and a hand comes up to grab you. This attack does fatal damage, and can be avoided by either jumping out of the way in time or camping the portal and just using the portal to momentarily go back to the bottom platform, and come up after a second or so. You're a hero, so I guess you can stand on the left side of the platform and use rush if you see this attack coming.

Attack 5: He still summons the mini golem thingies, so you gotta keep them from the middle. Fun fun! Um, try to wait for gollux to start an attack that's NOT "Attack 1" before clearing mobs if you don't want to die.

It should be noted that gollux actually has cooldowns on his skills. Each one is roughly 5 seconds, so you'll rarely see him use two of the same attack in a row, unless he waits like a sitting duck for 3 seconds in between. That said, if he uses Attack 1, it should be relatively safe to clear minions on the bottom for the next few seconds or so.

Gollux Stage 3 is just "Kill Gollux before he kills you". In addition to keeping mobs away from the middle, just break the jewel on his forehead before the time runs out. He will occasionally use Attack 3 from Stage 2 (every 20 seconds or so?) but a hero with 100% stance should be able to take that no problem.

For a boss like Gollux, it's mostly about practice. Eventually, you'll get better at it.

Reply August 31, 2014

Once I take out the jaw I just quickly jump up there and try to deal as much damage as possible b4 the instakills.

Reply August 31, 2014