

zentai #Art Talk

General Art

Looking for commission sellers Sup:) , before you continue let me first say that the point of this thread is for people who are selling commissions. If you don't like where this is going turn back now, but If you are interested show me your best art work and I'll tell you if I accept or decline your offer, details below. -Requirements- -Dimensions must be 1920 x 1080 (Main focus is drawing two people, you can just have a plain background with some details.) -Any art style will be accepted as long as it pleases me. (Only two commissioners have been accepted and completed, scroll to bottom to check them out.) -If you are accepted you will either be offered 1 billion mesos or 20k nexon cash. (Because of this, I'll be super picky on who I choos

General Art

Looking for skilled artist to buy request from Hello you creative person :) You're looking at this thread because you want to make some easy money, and you want to put your talent to good use. Well you are in the right place, everyday on Basil market I only look for the most talented artist and give them the option to sell me a request, if they choose to accept or ignore me is entirly up to them. But I could make it worth your time paying you with NX or Mesos (500 Mill the least) however, all request must be 1980x1080. I have succesfuly done a trade with a basil artist and have two other artist who are drawing for me. [b]Done[/b] [url=http://www.basilmarket.com/show/screen/219765]Orange Breeze[/url] - Costed me 20k nx she now charges 30k pe