zomgitbeandy #Chat Talk

General Chat

Why Gay Marriage Should Be Illegal [b][i] This is no way intended on being a flame bait thread[/b][/i] I simply have a debate for school and I was put onto the side of why gay marriage should be illegal. I went through most of the sites, which preach religion or exaggerated reasons. Anyone want to share their inputs ? :L No one should take the arguments below seriously it's for the sake of an assignment for school, no intentions of hurting anyone. *Mods if for any reason this abuses or goes against the ToS, just lock and don't delete it is my only source of valuable information. :(*

General Chat

iPhone help! Battery issue Last night I had my phone at 30% battery so i decided to call it a night and charged it, in the morning it turns out it wasnt charged[was stuck at the red battery thing] i managed to fix it but after charging it on a usb cord [connected to the wall], the charge went super slow. i decided to give up on charging my phone and put my dad's dying phone in the charge [because the usb cord was his(broke mine)]. then HIS iphone started charging super slow. its been like 10-20% for the past 2 hours. anyone know how to fix]: