

General Tech

Mouse problem Last year I bought this mouse: It worked fine and I liked it. Today it finally when I opened my laptop, it stopped working. The mouse lit up fine, but when I moved it, the cursor doesn't move. The buttons on the side didn't work either. Well, I was worried something was wrong with my USB port since I dropped a printer on it, but that was an year ago. I grabbed my back-up Logitech mouse and it worked. I tried it on every port, it worked fine. I tried my gaming mouse again and it didn't work. Did I like disable it through my laptop or something?

General Anime

Marathon Thru Chunibyo I marathon through Love-Chunibyo-Other-Delusions in one night. I thought I was finished. Then I scrolled down a little on crunchyroll and I find: [b]Love-Chunibyo-Other-Delusions-Heart-Throb[/b] Don't you just love the internet when it doesn't let you sleep? Anyhow, I wanna ask what did you think of Chunibyo. Did you like it? What did you like? etc. I want your opinion of it. I still need to process everything that happen in the anime so I can give a proper opinion.

General Anime

Naruto Neji [spoiler] Neji's death. I was actually really sad. I never really liked Neji in the first place. I started watching Naruto a few years ago and at first I thought Neji was a girl. Then I realized he was a guy. I never really liked him because he was so heartless at first. When he had a change of heart, I was really pleased with his change. I still didn't like Neji but his death in episode 364. I was really sad. This scene: I reminded me so much of Itachi's death. After this episode i really have a change of heart. [b]By The Way:[/b] I know this is kind of late. I mean I am like 3 days late.

General Tech

My Pc almost burnt out Well, I was trying to download Phantasy Star Online 2 and I left it there to download while I went to play my Xbox. I come back like 30 minutes to find the screen black. I try getting it on by moving the mouse,pressing ECS. it wouldn't get on so I worried and force shutdown by holding the shut down buttom. It didn't work at first and then it started making beeping sounds and started heating up. I tried again and it finally turned off. After it was turned off, I left it to cool off fr 5 minutes and turn it back on. The screen is too dark. I turned it all the way up, but it is still dark. IDK. I started deleting things, I deleted, Photoshop CS6,Adobe Firework CS6, Creative Cloud,, Affect Effect, Adobe AIR. What else sho

General Anime

Weeaboo Anime Fans This may seem harsh but I have to say it at some point. Here is a example of a weaboo/weeaboo A.K.A: Wanna Be Japanese [b]-Praises Japanese Culture Like Its God. -Gets super offended when somebody says: "there isn't a lot of difference between anime and cartoon" -Always uses Kun,Chan,Senpai,Sensei,Baka too much and barely understand half of those words. -Criticize other people's cosplay but never cosplay yourself or buys overly expensives cosplay. -Always follow the opinion of a REAL anime fan. -Always say SUB is better than DUB -You probably never watched any "not mainstream anime" -Always say Kawaii, or self pro-claim Otaku -Doesn't even read Manga -Don't know difference between Fictional and FanFict

General Anime

Anime Recommendations Is there any anime someone want to recommend a good anime? Here are some anime I rather you not mention because its too mainstream already:[b]One Piece, Naruto, Bleach, Fairy Tail S1 & S2, Code Geaas, Death Note, Clannad (AS), Attack On Titan, Kill La Kill, FMA and Brotherhood.[/b] Here are some of my recommendations: Yu Yu Hakusho (Yu Yu Hakusho has almost no fillers but the anime starts really slow) Gurren Lagann (WHO THE HELL DO YOU THINK I AM! Thats all I'm going to say) Those two are my recommdentation

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