
calm down, for god's sake

you know, this server sucks. It's mostly empty. I saw a henehoe. I approached him, in his genericized looks. He Was Typing Like This. I instigated it, I'll admit, but he began to bash me. He called me immature, and as I told him I was 14, he said he was 17 and graduated. I didn't believe him. Still, he was illiterate. Saying he didn't have to 'obreviate' things was only pushing it. Disregarding it all, he may as well have called me gay there. He started bashing me, saying I wasn't raised in America, saying I was taught as a chump. I try to retort his unnecessary illiterate insults, but as soon as I did, speaking some common sense, he flash jumps away. Why? I don't know. This may be the reason I quit humanity. As this is only in Maplestory. I see it on Maplestory forums. Go figure, people are much too hot headed here too. Thing is, people should settle down. People are too angry on the internet, and too angry in real life. Get off of your rag.
He has the capacity to come into my shop, and defame me several times. I'm getting sick of chatty beady eyed people with no ethics. I would go to bed but my anger is crushing me.

January 22, 2011

3 Comments • Newest first


@OT. See, my approach on Maplestory is to distance myself. I play with a friend, and two family members, and that's it. My buddy list is empty. I only PQ with them. Sure, I sell things on Basilmarket, but once the trade is done, I vanish. I'm tired of the people on this game, it's taken me several years but honestly the 'Maple' crowd is terrible. x.x I met some great people on here, but I'm content with those people. And don't let age fool you, I met my ex on here who is my age, she's an arrogant selfish ----- in real life and that's why things didn't work out, she treated life like maple. My advice is distance yourself from people. I avoid guilds like the plague. Sure, I'm missing out on equips, opportunities, and such, but the way I see it is that I'm enjoying my time. I also avoid popular training areas due to simple reasons, I don't want to see anyone other than my own character.

If you see me in-game, say hello though, you'd never know what can make a person's day.

Reply January 22, 2011

[quote=DaNo0b]Smoke some bud. Play Maple. Play Life. Things will be calm, you won't be calm, put sometimes life may be calm. Problem temporarily solved.[/quote]

I do the three consistently. Never the greatest resolution.

Reply January 22, 2011

Internet is like a mask protecting people from the repercussions of their actions. Welcome to the true face of humanity when there are barely any socially enforced rules for behavior. For the most part, you get jerks.
A sad statement for the youth of the world that they become such ass hats when they are even slightly protected from the backlash of them being jerks. Not everyone is that way though, so don't give up on humanity quite yet.

Reply January 22, 2011