General Chat

do you believe in the matrix? :-( I wanted to ask chat island where I used to come and spend all my time. I have seen the hardest time ever. Wanting people to have restraint, they showed none. I listened to a program at one time and it talked about a divine matrix, claiming your thoughts influence the outcome. Like oncoming traffic, you get what you bargain for. I can speak for this 'cause I was gonna commit sudoku before. I wanted to share this info. I'm on my way to becoming better after being damaged twice. I want to find a way to meditate so I only then will rise. It's never too late.


calm down, for god's sake KRADIA: SOLEMN FRIDAY you know, this server sucks. It's mostly empty. I saw a henehoe. I approached him, in his genericized looks. He Was Typing Like This. I instigated it, I'll admit, but he began to bash me. He called me immature, and as I told him I was 14, he said he was 17 and graduated. I didn't believe him. Still, he was illiterate. Saying he didn't have to 'obreviate' things was only pushing it. Disregarding it all, he may as well have called me gay there. He started bashing me, saying I wasn't raised in America, saying I was taught as a chump. I try to retort his unnecessary illiterate insults, but as soon as I did, speaking some common sense, he flash jumps away. Why? I don't know. This may be the reason

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