
Is there a way to get rid of a bad guildmaster? Regarding "Foot" in Bera: it was a guild with lots of high level people, but about 20 people quit yesterday because the guildmaster is out of control The Thief Incident: 1) guildmaster recruited this random guy a couple months ago. this guy turned out to be a scammer, and stole one of the other guild member's (Person A) pendant (worth ~3 billion) 2) when Person A complained about the thief, the guild master said he'd look into it, but "DON'T TELL anyone else that the guy is a scammer" 3) guildmaster does nothing. Person A eventually tells Person B about the scammer. 4) Person B tells the guild and alliance via alliance chat not to trade with the guy 5) guildmaster private-c


Cubing results i take it this is normal? got gifted 25k nx; going for 24 red cubes (with 2 gold stamps) i bought all my gear last week. before i had a loveless dead end and revolution items... i'll be back later either to celebrate or swear like a sailor Before 150k range, lv 184 lumi (weakling) Need cubing cra rod (rare) cra pants (epic) tyrant cape (epic) cra hat (epic) gollux belt (epic) gollux pendant (rare) right now there's 3% int total between this gear Need stamping cra rod (rare) cra pants (epic) tyrant cape (epic) gollux belt (epic) Need potential emblem gollux earring gollux ring Result Gollux belt = unique (+9%int) Pants = stamped (+6% int) Hat = (+3% int) Rod= (+6% int) Stamp still needed: gollux earring, ring, pendant total: 2


Today is the day for cubes got gifted 25k nx; going for 24 red cubes (with 2 gold stamps) i bought all my gear last week. before i had a loveless dead end and revolution items... i'll be back later either to celebrate or swear like a sailor :P Current Stats 150k range, lv 184 lumi (weakling) Need cubing cra rod (rare) cra pants (epic) tyrant cape (epic) cra hat (epic) gollux belt (epic) gollux pendant (rare) right now there's 3% int total between this gear :D Need stamping cra rod (rare) cra pants (epic) tyrant cape (epic) gollux belt (epic) Need potential emblem gollux earring gollux ring Result Gollux belt = unique (4 to unique, 7 cubes to 9%int) Pants = stamped (3% int, 6% luck, more luck)

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