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magical realism/ surrealism does anyone on basil study literature often? i've come across a popular japanese author a few years back and i've been absolutely in love with him. haruki murakami is the magical realism/ surrealism author of our time, and i'm think of writing my college entrance essay on his works (specifically kafka on the shore, the wind-up bird chronicle, possibly norwegian wood.) i'm just curious if anyone's interested in that genre, author, or studies specific literature! <3

General Chat

i need help with clothes so i need to find some new sites/stores to order/buy clothes. i usually shop at urban outfitters for shorts/shoes but their most of their graphic-t's are really ugly, and the rest is too expensive. i really just want some new things and stuff i don't really have, and i have no clue where to look for that. H&M has like no men's clothes but i can always find nice stuff there.. to get a jist of my 'style' my shorts are above-knee, and i usually wear loafers or cheap esperadillas. just clothes close to that, and shirts vary very much. tldr; sites/stores for nice clothes.

General Chat

my trip to walgreens i'm a 16 year old male just trying to buy some condoms which isn't anything new so i was expecting it to go fine okay so let me tell you about the most amazing trip to walgreens. alright so.. i'm about to enter walgreens after about a twenty minute walk, i walk in to the condom section, and i'm deciding what to get when i turn to my left and i see mrs. williams 2nd, my second hour english teacher. she makes eye-contact with me and runs over to say hi and she's all smiley like she usually is, but when she saw what i was buying her smile faded and i grabbed a pack and said 'bye' real quick. BUT THAT'S NOT IT. so i'm in line for the cashier and i begin freaking out because the cashier is some old lady, who just lectured th