


Any Idea WORLD TRANSFER I used to play in BERA, i just came back to maple in BROA coz all my friends plays now there... the fact is there is no SERVER Xfers anymore, how can i do with my BERA items in a NL lvl 126 with some good stuff like: * SCWG 12 att 2 free slots(ill use vicious hammer twice) * 4att 8 LUK PAC (ill use hammer to get 2 slots for CHAOS SCROLL) * 51 att (6 free slots plus 2 from hammers)Red Craven * Zakum helmet with 8 free slots * lots of ilbies and steely * 94 att 3% dex The peacemaker I wanted to transfer to bera this items but i cant do it anymore =( any idea? i mean i want to get something in broa for that... like xchange the items with some1 who wants to play BERA XD at least to avoid start with nothing in meso.... TY