


Poll How many Perma-Bannedfrom event Player were Unbanned So far with this "mass ban" thing going around, I'm hearing some players who are known to spend a lot on NX and some players who just sent unintelligible tickets are getting the "perma-ban" lifted from the bounty hunter glitch abuse, while some were adjusted to lighter punishments. It's been a big controversy with this whole ban/exploit thing, but I still think Nexon made a bad choice with the mass "randomized" ban where some who really abused the cubes still roam free yet some who only lightly touched the exploit are now stuck in the perma ban zone. Not to mention a lot of high level, legit, well known players are now removed from rankings and probably


Requirements for Double Tier Up Mira Time and Related Topics It's a bit of a dumb/improbable question, but what are the requirements/rates/limitations for the double tier up? Since now the only cube that doesn't go to legendary is Master, does that mean there is a 0 chance for double rank up if you have something at Epic? I feel it's most likely a no for the above question and an obvious duh, but Nexon does do strange things sometimes so I thought I'd at least ask to verify. -- Is there a rate for the double tier up? Is it fixed regardless of the current potential or is it variable depending on the tier? -- Has anyone seen any obvious decrease/increase in getting tier ups or double tier ups depending on how many cubes they used/times they t


Tyrant Boxes Incoming Influx of Tyrant Items Lucky Lucky Monstory February 17 - March 31 Requirement: Characters Lv. 20 and above Either click on the event notifier on the left side of the screen or talk to NPC Lucky Lucky Monstory in the event hall. Accept the quest "Lucky Lucky Monstory". ... .. ---------------------------- .. . Monday Drawing Rewards 1st - Tyrant Box: A box that contains a piece of the Tyrant Armor. Item inside of the box is tradeable 1 time with Platinum Scissors of Karma. .... ... . Idea's on the win rate? It looks like this could possibly create a large influx unless I'm missing some information. That's great for many players and I would be excited myself if I did not just buy a tyrant earlier today at 6b. -

General Warrior

Whats Your Zero Summary So Far? Good? Bad? Achievements? Just a friendly thread for people to kinda gloat or cry on about their Zeros (in a friendly and open minded manner); AND to list anything they feel might be wrong about Zeros. Feel free to list your range, achievements, or rants about the class. I'm interested to see how everyone else is experiencing Zeros. My first achievement would be clearing Dojo at 100k/120k range (Alpha/Beta) <<NO HACKS!>> As hard as it may be to believe, it's true. I may post a guide later on how. My grief for Zero would be: "too much good." My random milestone would be getting 30% boss ATT on my weapon Achieved 150k range on my Beta after getting my Dojo Glove ^-^y -----------------------

General Demonavenger

Have you cleared Dojo/Any DAs clear it? I haven't seen any videos of any DA's clearing Dojo on GMS However today, just now, I was able to clear it on Renegades :D I was wondering if there were other DAs out there that cleared it. I'm going to guess maybe one or two from each of the larger worlds, but you need some range to get there. Of course I didn't have it as I used a ton of potions and buffs from random things to boost my range high enough. I feel as if not a lot of people try with DA's because a lot of people just gave up, but I could be wrong