General Nightlord

Question for the Pros. Ok, well I am sure you guys are probably tired of answering these same types of questions over and over again, but here it goes anyway. At the moment I am a level 118 Hermit with 60 Base Dex(just got done converting,) and 101 total Dex after equips are accounted for. Anyway I was hoping for some advice on where to go from here. My equips are: A clean 3 lined Zakum Helmet (Epic - Dex 4%, Luck 2%. Luck +2) Clean 3 lined Rose Earrings (Rare - Luck 3%, Luck +5, HP+45) A 54 ATT 3 lined Skanda (Epic - W. ATT + 8, Luck +8, 3% chance to recover MP) A 3 ATT PAC 13 ATT WGs 4 ATT 2 lined Immortal Belt ( Rare - Luck 3%, Dex + 4) Silver Deputy Star - Dex +7, Luck + 8, 2 slots left. A clean Sauna Robe I have been wearing since I hi