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I need your help guys k so story time! theres this girl that i had class with this year and im really into. right now we are pretty much friends. anyways weve spent some time together. now that i look back at it, i see that she has given me a lot of hints that she might like me. for example, being the damsel in distress, flirting, touching me when we talk. one time we went to the library and there was not seat for me and she scootched over. i took it as a sign that she was inviting me to sit and i did. she was rubbing her legs against mine and i was a little too.. damn that felt hella good. the reason i didnt tell her earlier, which i know i shouldve, was bc of the hardcore class that we both took. for me i didnt think it was that bad, but

General Chat

I need your help guys k so story time! theres this girl that i had class with this year and im really into. right now we are pretty much friends. anyways weve spent some time together. now that i look back at it, i see that she has given me a lot of hints that she might like me. for example, being the damsel in distress, flirting, touching me when we talk. one time we went to the library and there was not seat for me and she scootched over. i took it as a sign that she was inviting me to sit and i did. she was rubbing her legs against mine and i was a little too.. damn that felt hella good. the reason i didnt tell her earlier, which i know i shouldve, was bc of the hardcore class that we both took. for me i didnt think it was that bad, but

General Chat

What do you do when you know a girl likes you? ^^ basically what the title says. well we went to the same middle school but never rlly met each other (since we didnt get into the same classes) until now 10th grade. were in the same AP world class and we became friends. hung together after school in a study group, but not rlly study cuz all we did was talk off topic, bused with her a couple of times home (she lives like 2 blocks away from me <3 ) some signs that i think she likes me is she calls me names cuz my friends call me it cuz we give ea other nicknames for the fun of it and she laughs she drew on my paper once and when i sat next to her she tapped my hands couple of times when she was talking to me so what would u guys do in a sit

General Chat

Stopping Game Addiction I have been playing MS since like around 2004 and its been 7 years, but i keep coming back because of Big Bang/ Chaos/ etc. My addiction takes a lot of time out my studying time. I say to myself ill just go mine some ores or craft some earrings then i end up grinding in LHC for 3 hours. So the problem is i cant control the amount of time i spend on games. As for school, i just finished 9th grade with a 3.57, which is crap in an asian parent's perspective. Im positively sure that my trigger is Basilmarket and other KMS blogs because thats were i keep up to date with all the new classes and stuff like that. Thus, when i try to concentrate on my studying, i get easily distracted (maybe cuz i sit in front of the computer