

General Chat

Tim Hortons tried to charge me for hot water I brought my own cup and teabag and just needed some hot water. I walk into a Tim Horton's (I buy their coffee everyday), wait in line, get to the cashier and ask for my cup to be filled with hot water. What do they say? "Sorry, you have to buy something". Excuse me? I almost caused a scene. It's just freaking hot water! Instead I left, went to the next drink store and they gave me hot water and I politely thanked them and told them the Tim Horton's story, where the cashier shook their head in disappointment. Gonna start boycotting Tim Horton's now. Discuss Edit: I found a timmies on campus that'll give me free hot water. I'm not mad anymore.

General Chat

Why am I so jealous? Well about four months ago, this girl and I were kind of wheeling, you know. However, I started to get tired of her nonsense childish attitude, and told her off. We haven't spoken for about 3 months. In the late of 3rd month, she gets a boyfriend, who was rudely giving me back attitude (prior to them dating, and continued a bit after), making me feel bad about myself. The first time, I felt like crap, but after that, I just shrugged it off. When I confronted her about this, she claims that she kept telling him to stop, and soon he did. Later, I decided to apologize to her, and I did. Now that we're friends again, I am kind of jealous of her boyfriend, but I don't know why! She's not the hottest girl nor best girl to be