


Let's fight the hackers, please come in to read Hey guys. Firstly, my english isnt that good, so I'm sorry for this and I hope you guys understand me. Well, I'm sick of all that hackers, EVERYWHERE! ToT, Leafre, El Nath, Ludi... I'm sure some of you love to meet a hacker for a pb buff, and some drops to lot. BUT I want to fight it, I want to play without em. to hunt in ToT without a hacker every 5 mins to ks with the pb summon. So I started to screenshot hackers at May 24th. I have more then 30 Screenshots of hackers, and I'm gonna make a ticket with Hackers list and send it to nexon. My screenshots are just from Scania, and now I need you guys, Please post here a screenshots of hackers, and tell me which world is em. I'll make a big ticket

General Thief

Build help, Somthing is Wierd with the Guide here. ok. then today i'll get an a sp reset scroll. and i went to the build guide and saw somthing wierd. look on this guide: ok now the problem is at 2nd job. the guide says at least u need: Claw Mastery: MAX Critical Throw: MAX Claw Booster: MAX Haste: MAX Shadow Resistance: MAX Drain: 11 and i have: Claw Mastery: MAX Critical Throw: MAX Claw Booster: MAX Haste: MAX Shadow Resistance: 3 Drain: MAX The 1st job skills are currect. the 3rd job too. than why i dont have 11 sp in SR if i maxed drain. they're both max lvl is 20. Help?

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