


I'm thinking about switching worlds. I am, seriously. Windia... out of the 4 out of 5 years that I've been playing Maplestory, I have been playing in Windia (Scania for 1 year after the BETA just ended, for those who are curious). But let's just face it, Windia isn't fun anymore, it isn't. Every channel has some sort of a lagg, maps have become overcrowded, the economy is still upside-down, and.. Windia's community just flushed itself down a toilet. I really can't find some "joy" in Windia considering how.. horrible it's gotten. I've been considering changing worlds for like a month, and I decided now's probably a good time to switch before things get really bad in Windia. The only thing that really held me back from changing was.

General Updates

Sp Resets won't work? :< When I found out about these things I nearly did a backflip in joy. Hence, I rejoined maple :) Anywho, I went on my supposedly "dead" Drk and used the darn scroll right away. I planned all my skills the way I wanted them and then... It wouldn't let me allocate 3 points into 4th job. Is this a glitch? I'm also aware that Nexon reset the quests, so... Perhaps I got that 3 SP from a quest? It said I was missing skills from 1, 2, or 3rd job, so I stuck a point into Dragon Roar and tried again. I put all 3 points into 3rd job... So uh... Explanation? :) I could just be really stupid and not know what I was doing... I'm new to this Big Bang thing, haven't noticed?

General Chat

Did you read the new GameInformer, yet? So while eating my dinner-sandwhich I noticed that the new GameInformer was sitting on my table. I picked it up, hoping to see something about SEGA or Sonic in the articles (being the ridiculous fan that I am). First thing I see when I look at the inside front-cover? A Maplestory advertisement. I don't play Maple all that much anymore, but is Big Bang REALLY a big deal that Nexon's making huge advertisments about it in game magazines? It got the inside front-cover space for Pete's sake. I also saw an aadvertisement for Vindictus on the fourth or fifth page or so. So, Basil... Any games that you're waiting for? Or any articles you enjoyed? Let's Discuss? :)