

General Tech

Technical YouTube Channel for your benefit Hello, I started a Technical YouTube Channel a while back and recently started focusing on uploading more Videos. I am a Network Administrator in my career, so you could say that I'm a reliable source for information. The intro video to my channel pretty much says it all, so if you guys would like any help with anything, feel free to get a hold of me on there and I'd be more than happy to take a crack your computer problems! Thanks everyone!


Price Check on 11atk Scg? It's been a while since I've played and when I came back the anniversary event was going on, so I have had the opportunity to replace the 11atk scg and I want to sell it, however, I don't know what a good price is for such an item anymore? Any one have any ideas? Also, I have an Asura Dagger that is purple, but I don't remember the exact stats and I also have Black Snowshoes that are purple that need sold, but not sure there either. I know I won't be getting a price range for those because I don't know the stats, but if someone could even ball-park, that would be great! Thank you!

General Shadower

Level 70 Chief Bandit needs to know where to train? Hey everyone! I just started playing again, yesterday.. Was on for about 5 minutes and since Big Bang I know that the world has changed drastically! I want a good place to train and know of none anymore. I have to go to work, so I can't give you the exact specs of my Dit; however; my gear is pretty good for the most part. I would like to know PQ's and just grinding area's. ALL I did last time I played was PQ, I kind of want to train a bit now. So, any suggestions would be awesome! Thank you!