

General Buccaneer

Upgrade recommendations for my Buccaneer? Hey everyone. I've managed to gather up about 3.1bil in funds, and possibly another 650m once I sell my old knuckle (from [url=http://www.basilmarket.com/forum/2602850]here[/url]) I feel it's time to upgrade some items now. A lot of my old equip were outdated, so right now I'm sitting on 5/6 almost-clean Empress. My Emp Knuck right now is just a temporary one until I can find a reasonably priced scrolled knuckle. Currently: 118 atk, 0 slot Empress Knuck (2L rare) Clean Empress Hat (3L Rare) Clean Empress Overall (3L Rare) Clean Empress Gloves (3L Unique, 6% STR) 5 Atk, 0 slot Empress Shoes (3L Unique, 9% STR, Haste) Clean Empress Cape (2L Rare) MoN Pendant Half Earrings (3L Epic, 12% STR) Sharp Brow


Lets have a discussion about durability Root Abyss items As many of you may know, there are Root Abyss items around with traits such as "100% chance to upgrade potential tier when using a cube" and "This item doesn't explode on scroll failure" or something similar. One of the issues with these items is that they have a durability and cannot currently be repaired. Some have said this is a glitch, and others have said it is intentional to offset the awesome traits on these items. I have heard, though not confirmed myself, that using an Innocence scroll on a durability item will either a) restore it to 100% durability or b) allow it to be used even after reaching 0% durability. My situation is that I've gotten one of these

General Buccaneer

Do any of my fellow Buccs do jump-DStrikes? So LITERALLY for the past 15 minutes I have been spamming jump-DStrike in order to see if I can train using it. I find that the 1/10 times that it does land properly, it definitely helps my mobility because the jump will move me forward while casting. Is this a thing that people normally do when training (and that I just need to learn how to control with) or do you stand still when you DStrike? Example: [url=http://i54.tinypic.com/2mxpj0k.jpg]Normal DStrike.[/url] [url=http://i56.tinypic.com/10xd4ch.jpg]Jump-DStrike.[/url]