


Should I trade? The world is El Nido: Someone's selling 6% Int strawberry earrings, 2 lined, and it was up for 50m. (50m is a lot for a new server) I offered a two lined, 2 attack clean pink cape with bad potential. He said get better potential on it and it's a deal... But, I have another clean 2 attack pink cape and if he says yes on either capes, in case he changes his mind, should I trade? Edit: Pacs in El Nido are around 60-80m, a lot are up for 75m. - Should I trade a Pink Cape + Lvl 12 ring for a level 16 ring...?


BaM - Yellow Aura and Drain For all the BaMs what did you max? Ik the guide says max Yellow Aura but it just adds + 1 weapon booster and 20 speed max, and at 3rd job we need level 10+ Yellow aura, but do we really need to max Yellow Aura? It seems useless to me, we have teleport for speed : while drain would help a lot during training and even bossing. If you think I should just go with the guide, please tell me :) I don't see much guides. Does anyone know a guide for 3rd job? I've maxed two skills so far and Idk what to do with my 3 SP