


If you quotdontquot have you hot time stuff come here ok so today i didn't miss the hot time fortunately. Basically i afked from 2:20 and came back at 2:45. after i got that little note thing from casandra or w/e. i received my love letter. Then like most other maplers i didn't receive my gach and cube so i was pi$$ed. then after ranting to my self for about 5 min i checked my inventory, then i saw my cash part of the inventory was blinking.(when a slot in your inventory blinks means you got something) Guess what i found... my gach and cube So id advice you now to go back on maple and check you cash inventory(Not the cash shop!). if this doesn't work then nexon just screwed you.(like they always do)


to the brats complaining and to those complaining @ the brats: Hey, im pretty sure nexon is doing everything that they can to solve bug/issues. They literally run this game free. Game cards and nx are optional if you can remember. Besides don't you have other things to do like go out with friends, like come on its summer.(unless maple is your whole entire life and you have no friends). Also hopefully you will learn this at some point in your lives, is a thing called being PATIENT.. @ the other brats complaining about the other brats: Calm the f*** down. they have a right to complain(this aint North Korea or Soviet Russia). if you can't handle it then stop coming back to basil and posting about it that simple. /end rant w8 correction /end ad


chaos job items READ THIS CAREFULLY! From spadows wordpress Adventurers: Adventurer Rings Knights of Cygnus: Holy Wing Earring Resistance: Resistance Lux Ring Aran: Lilin’s Aura Ring Evan: Onyx Dragon Glasses Dual Blade: Blood Mask They all add +3 to STR/DEX/INT/LUK and +3 weapon and magic attack. The quest starts at Lv. 40, newly created characters will have to raise their level to 80. For people who are past Lv. 41, they will need to raise their level forty times. THESE JOB ITEMS CANNOT BE WORN OVER ANY OTHER EXISTING JOB ITEMS (Dragon Glasses, Lilin’s Ring etc.) and you can only trade the job item to another character once on your account. No matter old or new, the rings and other equips WILL NOT STACK. don't believe me here is the l

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