General Zero

What to upgrade with 5b? Im a level 187, a zero. Id like to do the least scrolling myself. My equips are: Angelic blessing Clean reinforced gollyx Evo ring three 6% star tempest ring Reinforced gollux pendant clean Both weps are clean with 11% damage and 4% str Reinforced gollux belt clean Clean fafnir helm 4 atk tree branch nose 4% sweetater glasses Clean fafnir chest 3% str Clean fafnir pants 4% str shoes 6% str earrings Absolute shoulder 26 att gloves My clean range in Beta is 71k-80k. I havnt played since before star power so how should i use that? What should i spend the five bil on for the highest range increase? Much appreciated


What to upgrade with 5b? Im a level 187, a zero. My equips are: Angelic blessing Clean reinforced gollyx Evo ring three 6% star tempest ring Reinforced gollux pendant clean Both weps are clean with 11% damage and 4% str Reinforced gollux belt clean Clean fafnir helm 4 atk tree branch nose 4% sweewater glasses Clean fafnir chest 3% str Clean fafnir pants 4% str shoes 6% str earrings Absolute shoulder 26 att gloves My clean range in Beta is 71k-80k. I havnt played since before star power so how should i use that? What should i spend the five bil on for the highest range increase? Much appreciated

General Angelicbuster

Range seems a little low I just hit level 100, and my range seems a little low compared to a lot of people's on here... My equips are as follow: 13% dex earrings 6% dex Tempest shoulderr 6% Dex tempest ring 2% Dex racc mask 4%Dex Shoes. Helisium cape (10 att, 20 all) 10 att gloves 6% Dex Emblem 4%Dex belt Also, 2 evo rings and the level 50 ring Level 80 soul shooter, 66 att My range at the moment is: 9259~14245 buffed, without Terms Why does my range seem so bad? Is it just that everyone else is super funded?

General Angelicbuster

So how OPd actually Is our version of Angelic Burster (Note about the title, I'm WAAAAAY too lazy to figure out which one our's is called) Well anyway, back to the main point, How is Angelic Busterurster compared to some of the more......"Fairly-balanced" (Kaiser, Lumi, Insert third most OP'd class,) because I'm hearing all kinds of things like "Oh we got KMS's post-nerf AB" and "We got CMS AB" And "0mg33 n0 m0@r 0p33d wahh" So how do they stack up? Do they still destroy everything? Do they still modestly and slightly overpower everything? Are they complete trash?(balanced)

General Kaiser

Deciding to fund a Kaiser or an Angelic Burster? Which one, After all the nerfs and the damage cap increase, has the most potential? And who would outdamage the other with equal funding NOT taking the damage cap into account? (For example, only a few billion funding?) Also, while I mostly play for damage (Screw y'all, Damage is fun) I'm really liking Kaiser's playing style, and i'm most likely going to fund him (I just need more input before I decide,) Should I go for a full empress set, or a % set meaning a decent % top/bottom, maybe a 30 att racc mask, etc. Regarding the above, what should I buy first with 3B funding if all I currently have is 2 evo rings and a 4% belt?


Deciding to Merch until the release of Angelic Bursters Because I'm a power-hungry damage hoarder who plays classes to be able to kill as fast as possible (Before you flame me about "Playing the game for fun," to me, damage is fun. So I'm going to merch until the release of Angelic Bursters, and I was just wondering.... I've already got a full Shark Tooth set, And right now the only thing I think would be worth selling is my 15% dex, 4% all nebbed earrings, how much are these worth? I also have Evo ring 2+3 both fully leveled, but I'd like to keep these seeing as how prices for these are constantly inflating. So really, all I have to sell are my earrings, how much could I get for those, and I also havn't merched in a while, so wha

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