


Thank you to those who helped me out I would like to thank those people who looked out for me in my previous two threads. This is the first time I bought NX from FM, and I was almost scammed with a too-good-to-be-true deal. I am grateful that most of you told me not to buy the possibly "duped" item because I'm not really rich. Thank God I didn't buy a permanent Nigiri that a hacker was selling. I would have wasted good 133m. (And besides I didn't like the Nigiri too much; I wanted the Shrimp one.) Being patient, I made more money and I found a seller who legitimately opened the style box and got a perm Nigiri! I got my favourite one: Cutie Shrimp! <3 Even though it is almost twice the price, I'd rather buy a Nigiri is actually


Which staff is better? Please help My current staff: Level 110 Dragon Staff, slow, +27 INT, 171 magic attack, 2 hammers, no potential, 0 slots left. Or should I get the level 120 staff from the Renegade shop? Its stats: Level 120, slow, 140 magic attack, hidden potential, 7 slots remaining. Should I get the 140 m.att staff and cube it or should I just stick with my 171 m.att? Or should I wait patiently until I get my hands on a 100% pot scroll (so that I won't destroy my 171)? Also, is it very likely to get a good potential with a level 120 staff? (What's the maximum number the %s can go up to- without cubing) I know I am asking a lot. I just hope for answers... You don't have to answer all my questions, but please tell me what you know! Th