

General Kaiser

Optimal Equipment for Kaiser Hi guys, Right now, I don't have much damage or good equipment. I plan to improve my Kaiser with either of the following equipment choices, both are 6 set empress; [b]- All Empress including Empress 2H except overall which is replaced by % top and bottom (going to self scroll the sword)[/b] or [b]- All Empress excluding 2H sword which will probably be VIP or Loveless (self scrolled maybe)[/b] [b]Which one is a better choice for me if I lack good funding? (I have around 2-4b to spend on this)[/b] If my choices were both poor, please suggest a better idea ^^ Thanks in advance.

General Warrior

Which Tradable Sword to Perfect on a Budget? Hi guys, I was planning to perfect scroll a tradable 2H sword during this event so I can freely swap the weapon between my Kaiser and my Hero. However, I don't know what sword I should perfect. I was planning to perfect a Stonetooth, however I bought a cheap Night Raven's Wing (average stats) and my brother told me they are pretty much the same. Also, I was thinking about a VIP 2H but I don't know the prices in Bera of them ATM and I thought it might be too expensive. Just a note, I don't have much money. My question is; [b]do I perfect this Night Raven's Wing? Or is there a better tradable sword alternative I can use, which has better base attack and such?[/b]