


Price check on a gach run in bellonova Title for the most part, a lot of chairs Settee Chair Kitten Chair Tea Time Chair Beautiful Music Chair Elize Chair Bubble Bath Chair Skull throne 2 Horntail Dungeon aditional ticket entries and the crown jewel (or so i believe), a Chaos Scroll of Goodness 50% within seconds of getting it i was bombarded with chat requests and whispers, one of the first whispers was saying that it's worth 500m and that i shouldn't sell it for less but the offers i was given were only 50m. I'm really hoping it's worth the 500m, i could finally get into some better gear, but im unsure, thanks in advance for any help.


Gach Run Results, pc? Elemental Staff/wand and chairs galore Elemental Staff 6 3 int 108 w.att 174 m.att Elemental Wand 7 Luk 4 (2 +2) 89 w.att 147 m.att (145 +2) Oyamatsumi's Mind Expansion Bow 32 str (30 +2) 52 dex 152 w.att (150 +2) 148% acc 68% KB (Needs Plat. Scissors) (im not quite sure what was causing the +2s to get added onto the equips so i figured i would add them just to be safe) Permanent Mounts Pegasus Turtle Helicopter Rabbit Rickshaw 90 day Mounts Pegasus Helicopter Turtle Frog Croking Lovely Scooter And a 1 year gargoyle Chairs Stone Golem Hand Balrog Hilla's Style Maker Shroom Buddy The Aluminum Throne and 2 12 chair bags all of this is in nova, how did i do? any ideas about prices on this stuff?